Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas, Christmas

We got our tree up!  We simply went to the local Home Depot and picked it out, purchased and brought it home. Don't worry though, it's real...

I texted Ryan last week and stated:
"O Christmas tree, O Christmas Tree...
I hope Home Depot has thee.
We shall decorate and add some lights,
and then we'll sing and smile so bright.
Maggs will probably think it's neat,
I can't wait.. What a treat!"

He knew immediately we would be getting a tree that night... I think it really got him pumped up to work it out.

It's decorated and looking glorious in the living room!

We also have the stockings hung...  

I love the holidays and  how the decorations make your home feel so merry and bright.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

Oh it's BEAUTIFUL!! Love the Jamaican ornament! Tell Mags that drinking tree water is bad for her!

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