Tuesday, March 24, 2009

FYI: Great Blog

The image above is straight from the PW's Blog.

I just wanted to spread the good word about an amazing blog. I stumbled upon it last Thursday and have since been obsessed. If you ever have any time in which you need to kill... (I seem to have a lot) Go over and check it out.

This blog is about a girl that falls in love with a cowboy, then marries, and has four kids. They live in Oklahoma on a ranch. It's absolutely beautiful. I have added the link on the right hand side of my blog if you would like to check it out.

It has a section entirely devoted to amazing recipes, and I have already tried two that were so good. The best thing about this blog is the section entitled "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels." It is the story of how she met/fell in love with her cowboy whom she refers to as "Marlboro Man."

If you get the chance, check it out. Amazing pictures and great stories.

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