Friday, December 28, 2012

All Star Special. Scrambled, Extra Cheese, & Bacon

Ryan and I had an awesome Christmas. We are so lucky to have such awesome friends and families.

I have all kinds of things to share with y'all. I've even made a list of topics I need to post about, so as not to forget. From holiday parties where things got wild to family gatherings where hugs were in abundance-- I will be covering it all.

In the meantime, I wanted to share a recipe for a shot that you will probably want to test out this weekend. Let me bring you up to speed.

The company my brother works for gifted their employees with bottle of Crown Royal Maple (among other things) just before the holidays.

This was new to my brother and he didn't know what to mix it with or what kind of cocktail to make with this maple flavored liquor. So he did what any person living in 2012 would do (other than google it) he posted to his facebook requesting suggestions.

My sweet cousin, Robin, replied with an answer to Justin's Facebook plea.

This is sweet cousin, Robin. A true connoisseur of fun!
Then, to our surprise, she had the ingredients on hand for us to test her suggested concoction at our Toland Family Christmas gathering. (for the record-- Robin doesn't claim to have created this mix; she simply shared some of her vast knowledge)

Here's the recipe:

It seems like the most random combination but it is so much fun! It is similar to taking a tequila shot in that you have several steps. Instead of drink, lick the salt, bite the lime... this is drink, sip the OJ and crunch on the bacon.  I'm not sure what the name of this shot is but I think it should be called the All Star Breakfast because after the shot you feel like you've just eaten a Waffle House All Star Breakfast.

Go forth and give it a go this weekend. You won't regret it!

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