I quit my job today.
Yep, just like that I walked in and turned in my letter of resignation along with my two week notice. I may have cried, but they were definitely tears of joy. I may have even said to my boss, "I don't know why I'm crying because I'm excited to be quitting" (but I meant it in that I'm excited about what's next). He laughed with me.
If you've read my
"about me" section then you know that I work with very low income single moms, living in Public Housing, work toward self-sufficiency (kind of like a life coach). I've been doing that for four and half years now.
A job that was supposed to be a stepping stone (to something else, to something more, to something I love) turned into my day-to-day life. It's funny how easily that can happen. A means to get closer to my then boyfriend/now husband turned into my career. A pay raise here, a promotion there, great benefits! that can't be beat.... made it too easy to stay.
But it's not what I wanted to be doing. It's not what I necessarily went to school for. And honestly, it's emotionally taxing as it is semi in the the social work field. I have days where someone on the program I coordinate sits across from me and sobs explaining their desperate needs, whether it's lack of money, lack of enough food for the month, help with a sick child... you name it I've listened and tried to refer them to the best possible resource.
I've been patient. I've interviewed with several different companies. I put myself out there and I've been shot down a few times. But that's OK. It's okay because those jobs weren't THE job. It's okay because on Friday (after three rigorous interviews for a position) I found out I was chosen.
The stars aligned and I was chosen.
My new job will be in public relations for a hospital. I can't wait for the event planning, the TV appearances, the community events, and quite frankly the increase in pay!!
Like I said, I've cried today- every time I've told someone I was leaving actually. I will be saying goodbye to some of the best co-workers, most of whom I consider friends. Change is never easy-- it's actually quite scary. However, in life we have to get out of our comfort zone and take a few (calculated) chances.
I'm going for it! I'm nervous, excited and giddy all at once. Change is afoot and I'm loving it.