Friday, December 16, 2011

Oh Hi, Friday! Good to See You!

Can you believe Christmas is in just nine days? I have got to get aggressive this weekend and finish up my shopping. I started out strong and then fizzled out.

On to more important matters....

Yesterday I was out of work, as I've been beat down by a serious cold. This is no fun, however, it did allow me to curl up on the couch for a day and half and indulge in Christmas movies and daytime television.

Yesterday morning the nominations for Golden Globes were announced. Nothing huge about that, however, what was awesome about it was Gerard Butler.

How handsome! Ryan was getting ready for work, and I found myself suggesting he grow his hair out like Mr. Butler's. And then that accent.... I watch P.S I Love You every time it's on because of this guy.

I think I have a thing for bearded men that look a little rough around the edges!!

Later in the day I realized I actually was quite ill when I watched an entire LIFETIME movie. I loathe Lifetime movies, yet in a drug induced haze I found myself engulfed in figuring out who the murder was, what his motives were, and why all those women were being killed?

It got weird.

After some serious TV watching I hit the web. This little snippet, "Shit Girls Say" cracks me up. I watched it earlier in the week and then again yesterday. It's so true. I say every single thing mentioned.

I mean, listen, can you do me a huge favor? Hilarious.

Then I found out that yet another Nicholas Sparks book, Lucky One, will be coming to theaters in the near future. The main star happens to be a celebrity crush of mine (one of many)!

It might be a good one... who knows.

That's all I've got for today...

...I hope you all are done shopping and can spend your weekend gazing at your Christmas Tree whilst sipping hot chocolate.  I will be fighting the holiday crowds to hook Daddy, The In-Laws and Ryan up with a Christmas gifts! No family member left behind!!!!


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